OKR's conclusions 2023

07 | 02 | 23
| Feliu Brand

To avoid losing the priorities along the way

On Thursday, January 20, 2023, the entire Feliu team was summoned to the Mercantic of Santcugat.  

It is worth investing part of our working hours one day a year to present our 'Objective Key Results' for this 2023. Better that than working by inertia and finish in a turmoil. As Seneca said: 'when you don't know where you are sailing, no wind is favorable for you'. We know where we are going and you, as a customer or supplier, are at the center of all our work.

 What are Objective Key Results?

Objective Key Results (hereafter OKRs) consist of setting final objectives and, more importantly, setting the targets towards them. These allow us to check that our evolution is correct -and if it is not, to change the course in time-.

OKRs are an exercise in collective leadership, they make sense in a company, but they also show individual self-control and determination while you perform. They are, in short, a way of being accountable and walking together. 

Som Feliu, som equip! 

The presentation of the different OKRs was carried out by each member of the board of directors as a representative of each department. As a climax, our Managing Partner, Joan Maria Feliu, fixed what will be the focus of this year: 'to improve the perceived customer experience'

It was a very dynamic exposition because, despite the relatively long duration (2 hours long), everyone follow the content with attention. Afterwards, all  Finques Feliu human team shared a dinner to strengthen, even more, the bonds between all of us.  

We are a team, we believe in it and you will see the results of this spirit in our daily work.