Royal Decrete Law 20/2022: discover its mesures against inflation

26 | 01 | 23
| Advices for you
  • Reial Decret Llei 20/2022

Introduction: Rising prices hurt the lowest income earners the most.

We are currently going through a period of sustained price increases or inflation. This phenomenon, in proportion, is more detrimental to citizens with lower incomes because when they have less money, it is very difficult to save and, therefore, they have little room for maneuver in the face of the increased price variations.

Royal Decree-Law 20/2022: Spanish current response to high inflation

In view of this macroeconomic environment, on December 27, 2022 the Royal Decree Law 20/2022 was approved, which provides for:

- The extension of the extraordinary extension at the tenant's request of six months of the leasing contracts when these expire before June 30, 2023.

- The extension of the six-month extension on denonaments and leases for vulnerable citizens until June 30, 2023

- The extension of the current limitation on the increase in rental income to 2% until December 31, 2023.

For any additional questions we will be pleased to help you.