In Finques Feliu we want to wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Now more than ever, in a complicated a changing context, in Finques Feliu we want to remain faithful to our values and we are in solidarity with all those people and sectors that have suffered because of the COVID-19 and the economic crisis derived from it. That is why Finques Feliu will donate part of its Christmas budget to a particularly vulnerable sector: the elderly. We hope that our gesture will serve as inspiration to all those people who walk by our side and who trust us to accompany them on their journey.
In the year that finishes, everyone has felt vulnerable: illness, death, unemployment, and a decline in psychological well-being have burst into our lives. To this we must add that we do not have so much freedom to: move, build relationships, celebrate, or access to education, culture or sports leisure. Besides, there is no clear horizon of total overcoming of the virus (the vaccine is about to be approved, but it will be necessary to continue with the prevention measures).
Nevertheless, in Finques Feliu we are optimistic. On the one hand because everyone can be part of the reconstruction we need. On the other hand because there are luminous truths:
To complete our homage to those who have not stopped serving society, let us make a brief list:hospital watchman, caretakers of dependents, teachers, municipal cleaning staff, police, firemen, transporters, logistics professionals or cashiers.
No pandemic has extinguished us: we must take into account the extraordinary nature of such evidence because for thousands of years the Human Being was unaware of the causes of many diseases, their prevention and, therefore, it was not possible to be effective.
3. Nowadays we know the self-protection measures: frequent hand hygiene, wearing an approved mask and maintaining a distance of 1.5-2 meters between people. In addition, the disease can be detected with periodic tests.
4. Boom of collective intelligence: never before has the Human Being faced a pandemic with a huge number of the countries and companies producing vaccines researching and sharing their results in real time, besides investing huge amounts of money and using technology.
5. An extreme experience has put complacency in check: in Europe we are preparing to invest 750 billion euros to modernize our economies (140 bilion will be for Spain). Without a doubtit is an unprecedented opportunity.
In 2021, as a society, we have no excuse to avoid moving forward into a triple challenge: rebuilding the economy, while at the same time we prepare the Health System for the future and look afternature from now on. Can we have more exciting challenges?
From Finques Feliu we wish you a Merry Christmas and a 2021 full of: creativity and desire to improve.