Birds nesting in the owners' comunity
1. What do we mean by biodiversity?
Have you ever wondered what we mean by biodiversity? "The variety of animal and plant species resident in a given ecosystem".
Why do we talk about this issue as real estate agents? We have noticed a reality: some clients ask us how they should act when birds nest in the building where they live and they have to carry out works that may disturb these living beings.
2. Is there any legislation that obliges me to look after biodiversity?
Yes, our administrator Tito Pérez tells us what the reference provisions are: "the Catalonian Generalitat obliges us to protect the birds that choose the building where we live to nest, by means of Legislative Decree 2/2008. Article 334 of the Spanish Penal Code forbids and punishes, with a fine or imprisonment, three types of behaviour towards protected species:
- Killing them
- Deliberately hindering their reproduction
- Trafficking with them
2.1. In the building where we live, the technical architect warns us that it is urgent to carry out some works for our safety. Do we need an administrative authorisation document?
"Of course we do. In this link you have the searcher for protected and endangered species in Catalonia.
The authorisation affects those works where:
- We detect the presence of birds - or clear signs of it-.
- They have to be carried out during the breeding season,
- It is foreseen that they may destroy nests or cause disturbance or damage to birds,
This document may establish corrective or compensatory measures aimed at giving continuity to the breeding site or refuge affected by the intervention.
2.2 When should this administrative authorisation be requested?
Administrative authorisation is required before work begins. Works can only begin once this authorisation has been obtained.
2.3. How do I apply for this authorisation?
You can start this procedure by following this link.
Barcelona's City Council can help you all along the way by calling 010. In any case, at Finques Feliu we will accompany you throughout the whole process.
2.4. What are the "good practices" for respecting birds when carrying out building work?
It is important to remind that it is not advisable to cover holes in façades and party walls because they can be used as nesting sites. If the type of intervention allows it, it should be used to promote measures to encourage the creation of new habitats".
In case they appear at less than 25 meters, nests of protected species should ask 'Medi Ambient' about the protected species nesting, holes cannot be covered without an authorization. The recommendation of Medi Ambient in holes is to consider that it has affectation to the birds, if the action has incidence on: cavities, ventilation holes (you must respect it, if it is known its use by protected species). In case of problems with trees, you can proceed to reduce the dimensions of the forest according to the technical specifications of the manual Architecture and urban fauna to prevent entry."
In conclusion, it is possible to strike a balance between species preservation and the need to carry out works. However, it requires everybody's colaboration a thorough analysis of the *facility *manager, which is a service we offer.
Your peace of mind is our goal!